This project considers the concentrations and distributions of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from gas boilers, heaters, and generators of buildings in Metro Vancouver - particularly the potential impact of emissions on neighbouring buildings - and focuses on how other jurisdictions address similar issues. Recommendations include reducing NOx emission limits for such technologies; implementing stack design policies; increasing data collection, modeling, and leveraging a city-planning approach to emissions; and electrifying heating appliances and buildings.

Partner: Metro Vancouver
Keywords: green buildings, sustainable development & green economy

Claire Ewing

Healthcare facilities are large consumers of water and have a leading role in water conservation. This project aims to explore innovative water-saving opportunities applicable to healthcare settings and assess their feasibility for implementation at the Lower Mainland health organizations by identifying key challenges and opportunities.

Partner: Vancouver Coastal Health
Keywords: Water

Monika Korczewski

This project aims to support the future implementation of a Regional Resilience Strategic Framework by Metro Vancouver. Specifically, the project provides a conceptual framework for defining and measuring resilience of the regional water and liquid waste systems. Additionally, the project further identifies potential key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate system resilience based on a systematic literature review and internal engagement with staff.

Partner: Metro Vancouver
Keywords: waste management & recycling, water, resilience

Serena (Seoyeon) Choi

This report aims to assess the environmental impacts of shared mobility services in Metro Vancouver. The report includes the calibration of emission factors for private car, transit, carsharing, ridehailing, and bikesharing systems. Moreover, environmental impacts from mode choice and mode displacement behaviour of shared mobility users are investigated. While carsharing and bikesharing systems have the potential to reduce GHG emissions, ridehailing is likely to be detrimental to the environment.

Partner: TransLink
Keywords: transportation, GHG emissions, shared mobility

Elmira Berjisian

This report summarizes the lowest life cycle costs (LCC) and life cycle emissions (LCE) of powertrain technologies available for light, medium and heavy-duty vehicle classes and shows the emissions impacts of selecting the lowest LCC technologies, as well as the financial impacts of selecting the lowest LCE technologies. The LCC includes capital, interest, fuel, and environmental cost of GHG emissions over a ten-year life. LCE includes fuel, vehicle cycle, and vehicle operation.

Partner: Metro Vancouver
Keywords: supply chain management & green procurement, sustainable development & green economy, transportation

Shannon Goulden

This report includes a literature review, case studies, lessons learned, and recommendations contributing to the body of research informing the restoration design of sludge lagoons to freshwater wetlands in the Iona Island Wastewater Treatment Plant. The final recommendations are based on the literature review and lessons learned which encompass restoration design, implementation, maintenance, monitoring, and adaptive management.

Partner: Metro Vancouver
Keywords: biodiversity, ecological systems, water

Trisa Ngo

Part of a WWF-Canada initiative, this report is a hands-on guide for educators to implement a habitat garden at their school. The author interviewed educators in the Habitat Stewardship pilot project exploring challenges and feasible solutions for school-ground habitat enhancement. The purpose of this report was to compile learnings from the pilot project to inform a toolkit which will help educators participate in native planting initiatives at schools across Canada.

Partner: World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Canada
Keywords: biodiversity, food systems, sustainability in education

Danielle Tan

The purpose of this project was to articulate a vision for a community driven, collaborative mental health and substance use system of care that exists on a continuum which begins in community, extends into health care, and ultimately leads back to community. The report highlights opportunities for a framework that is multi-sectoral and includes concrete and meaningful links to community, and integration with mental health care at the micro, meso and macro level.

Partner: Community Action Initiative
Keywords: social sustainability, mental health, substance use

Natania Abebe

This report is meant to support the creation of a Hazardous Areas Development Permit Area and a Site Alteration Bylaw for Bowen Island Municipality. The bylaws will address hazards that may be exacerbated by development and are meant to either prevent or mitigate risk of damage to Bowen Island's local ecosystems and community. Best practices are summarized, and geotechnical analyses are used to create a map of potentially hazardous areas.

Partner: Bowen Island Municipality
Keywords: sustainable development & green economy

Mike Turley

The objective of this research project was to identify communications best practices and develop a series of core messages to communicate the principles of the circular economy in health care in an accessible and compelling way. There report aims to serve as an educational document for improving communication and persuasion efforts to promote pro-environmental behaviour broadly, and policies that facilitate the transition to a circular economy in health care.

Partner: Vancouver Coastal Health
Keywords: leadership & behaviour change, sustainable development & green economy

Elizabeth Samuels

This project aims to improve the ability of the Energy and Environmental Sustainability Team, a shared service across the Lower Mainland Health Organizations, to engage health care staff with sustainability practices to transform the health care system. This project includes a review of best practices for staff and volunteer engagement, and the development of a monitoring and assessment framework to support tracking and reporting processes for the Green+Leaders program.

Partner: Vancouver Coastal Health
Keywords: leadership & behaviour change

Sarah Pendreigh

This project aims to identify the gaps between BC Energy Step Code airtightness requirements and the construction industry's understanding of building airtight envelopes to support meeting those requirements more predictably and avoiding final blower door test failures.  The report examines the results of an industry-wide online survey identifying trades that can most benefit from support and at what stage(s) of construction practices can be improved to construct an airtight building.

Partner: Township of Langley
Keywords: green buildings

Ezgi Yuruk Haktanirlar

This project draws on the firsthand experiences of congestion pricing professionals in five US cities to share lessons learned within the context of evidence-based recommendations from the fields of public policy, risk communication, and the behavioural sciences. It is our hope that these timely insights will give current and future proponents of congestion pricing the best possible chance of successfully designing and communicating their versions of this essential tool.

Partner: TransLink
Keywords: leadership & behaviour change, sustainable development & green economy, transportation

Nigel Deans

This project aims to create a framework post-pandemic community recovery plan for the Downtown Eastside neighbourhood. The purpose is to provide recommendations for organizations to implement in order to help the community recover from the unintended consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Includes suggestions in five areas of focus: the overdose epidemic, access to dignified housing, social connection and isolation, autonomy and self-determination, and gender-based and sexualized violence.

Partner: Atira Women’s Resource Society
Keywords: social sustainability

Sarah Glazier

Climate change is catalyzing a new normal, one where the increased severity and frequency of weather-related disaster is driving people to move. This movement is not problematic in itself; however, under crisis conditions it can be devastating. This report outlines emerging global climate displacement strategies to support Canadian policymakers and practitioners in planning for and enabling safe, dignified human movement and resilient, cohesive communities in the face of climate change.

Partner: Climate Displacement Planning Initiative
Keywords: social sustainability, displacement, policy

Sarah Kamal

This report explores the potential for the transition to a circular economy to support a just and sustainable post-pandemic recovery. It provides a base of understanding about net and inclusive circular job growth and a just circular transition, with some recommendations for Greater Vancouver. It also provides insights into how sharing, reuse and repair show up in the lives, livelihoods and enterprises of some marginalized communities in Greater Vancouver.

Partner: Share Reuse Repair Initiative
Keywords: sustainable development & green economy, waste management & recycling, circular economy

Neha Sharma-Mascarenhas

The Center for Spatial Technologies is developing an online dashboard of high-resolution housing data in Metro Vancouver along with a scorecard system of housing data for cities around the world. Project work included semi-structured interviews with five knowledgeable individuals in the field. Interviewees shared narratives around the housing situation, described details of the housing market, shared insights on housing data, and suggested ways to enhance the tools.

Partner: 221A
Keywords: leadership & behaviour change, social sustainability, housing

Charles Pan

This project aims to quantify and compare the climate mitigation benefits of nature-based “green" flood control infrastructure and traditional "grey" constructions. Includes an analysis of literature and data on GHG emissions, identifies the significant information gaps in the literature and offers a set of recommendations to be considered for future work.

Partner: Watershed Watch Salmon Society
Keywords: biodiversity, ecological systems, green buildings

Sadia Ishaq

This report aims to probe the potential roles of and opportunities for non-profits operating community farms in the Canadian context. It includes summaries of information on non-profit community farms obtained from both a literature review and a series of nine community farm case studies, and considerations regarding operations and governance.

Partner: Okanagan Fruit Tree Project Society
Keywords: food systems, social sustainability

Robyn Thomson

This project involved a review of literature and global case studies, and included key informant interviews to determine the feasibility of converting parking garages into affordable housing. Recognizing that City-owned sites face pressure to fulfill many societal needs, four recommendations were developed from the key findings of the research to support the prioritization of 107 East Cordova Street for redevelopment.

Partner: Atira Women's Resource Society
Keywords: social sustainability, transportation, affordable housing, sustainable transportation modes, retrofitting existing infrastructure, parking 

Jimin Park
