Although 70 per cent of the earth is covered in water, only one per cent is readily available for human use. Find out how you can support conserving water today.


Water is a precious resource. It's easy to conserve water at home and at UBC—your efforts could save thousands of litres. Here are four ways you can get started today.

Report a leaky faucet, showerhead or toilet: If you spot any leaky faucets, showerheads or toilets at UBC, please contact the Building Operations Service Centre online or at 604-822-2173 to report the issue.

Take shorter showers: Did you know 13% of UBC’s water consumption is from showers? Be Water Wise and take shorter showers (5 minutes or less) to save energy and water, and be sure to turn off the faucet when you're not using it (e.g. brushing your teeth).

Wash your clothes in cold: Use cold water to do laundry: it requires 90 per cent less energy than washing in warm water, and it’s better for your clothes.

Be bottle water free: Metro Vancouver has world class water. Drink tap water instead of bottled water.



  • Calculate your water footprint: Use the Water Footprint Calculator to estimate how much water you use and what your water footprint is.