Paper Reduction
UBC is working hard to reduce paper consumption. We also require that all paper purchases at UBC contain at least 30 per cent or greater recycled content.
Paper reduction highlights:
Reducing Consumption
In 2010/11, UBC achieved a 65 per cent reduction in volume of paper consumption from 2000 levels, despite a 34 per cent increase in students, which significantly exceeded our internal targets.
Eliminating Print Directories
In 2010, Information Technology successfully eliminated the print version of the UBC Telephone Directory and transitioned to an online directory; this switch will reduce paper consumption by 4.7 million sheets a year, eliminate 16 tonnes of equivalent carbon dioxide (CO2e) annually, save an estimated $90,000 in staff and printing costs each year, and eliminate the burden of recycling obsolete directories.
Requiring recycled content paper
UBC Supply Management mandated our major campus supplier to substitute virgin paper with 30 per cent post-consumer recycled content paper, resulting in 97 per cent of all campus paper purchases having recycled content of 30 per cent or greater.
Learn more about recycling and waste operations at UBC.