Identification and quantitative analysis of diverse physical problems in the earth, ocean, atmospheric, and planetary sciences.
Faculty: Science
Subject: Earth and Ocean Sciences
Year / Level: 4
Theme(s): Climate Science
"Cutting edge" research topics include classes of problems emerging in Earth system science, studies of climate change on short-, intermediate-, and long-time scales, atmosphere-ocean coupling, climate-mantle coupling, geodynamics, mantle dynamics, earthquake hydrology, volcano seismology, volcanic eruption dynamics and flows, continental cratons, plate boundary dynamics, tectonic geomorphology, erosion and sedimentation, the growth, evolution and differentiation of terrestrial and giant planets, the origin and thermal history of icy satellites, and planetary magnetic fields (and much more!).
The possibility to explore such a wonderful variety of research directions is what makes studies of the Physics of the Earth and planets fun and rewarding. In addition, sufficiently little is understood about our and other planets that the opportunity for discovery remains very real and is inspiring. For this reason, core issues addressed by the geophysics community change and evolve in real-time. EOSC 453 is a capstone course in the Geophysics program and is aimed at introducing you to topical issues in this field as well as to problem-solving strategies for building an understanding of these issues.
Learning outcomes
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Read a copy of the course syllabus to see reading lists, assignments, grading, and more.