Thursday, January 22, 2015 - 19:00

Thu, January 22, 2015 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM STUDENT UNION BUILDING (SUB). By donation. You are invited to attend the Premiere of One Big Coast - A film by UBC student Luke Wallace and Ali Harris with the support of Common Energy UBC. The premiere will be on January 22nd.

Be there at 6:30. The film will start at 7:00.

Admission - by donation at the door.
(You will not be turned away if you don't have the finances.)

To reserve your seat, click here --

One Big Coast Trailer --

The Kitimat LP/One Big Coast soundtrack --

Luke's Story:
In July of 2014 I filmed a documentary called One Big Coast in Kitimat, BC focusing directly on how the Northern Gateway project would impact the community and our greater coastline. After filming I returned to Vancouver to record my second album, entitled The Kitimat LP. The album acts as the soundtrack to the film and tangles with similar ideas of conservation and our future. Through my music and film I hope to inspire the entire population of BC to become more involved in our energy future and stand up against projects that put our coastline at risk. I believe that through this project I can inspire others to make sure our coastline remains one of the most wild and wonderful places on the planet.