Wednesday, January 27, 2016 - 11:00

Wed, January 27, 2016 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM CHEMICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING BUILDING. Free. Abstract:
Oil Sands mining for oil extraction in Alberta and hydraulic fracturing for gas production in Northeastern British Columbia have emerged as major industries in Canada over the past decade. Large volumes of water are typically utilized and consequently contaminated when obtaining these unconventional energy sources, creating great potential for negative environmental impacts. A similar situation applies in the United States with the process of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) to access tight, shale-bound oil and gas reserves. Professor Linden will present his research findings to provide insight on how contaminated water is managed in the U.S. His presentation will provide an overview of the fracking process and explore industry issues concerning water quality, quantity, and treatability toward the ultimate goal of water sustainability.

Prof. Karl Linden is Professor of Environmental Engineering and the Mortenson Professor in Sustainable Development at The University of Colorado Boulder, USA. An internationally recognized scholar in the area of water quality and treatment, Dr. Linden’s research primarily investigates novel water and wastewater treatment systems; the efficacy of UV and ozone disinfection for inactivation of pathogens; and the use of UV and advanced oxidation processes for the degradation of emerging contaminants in water and wastewater.

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