The UBC Climate Hub originated with a dedicated group of student volunteers who wanted to see their ideas for climate action become a reality. During the summer of 2018, the Climate Hub was endorsed by UBC’s president and received support from the university’s senior administration after Founder Grace Nosek and her PhD research inspired a collective movement towards what is now the Climate Hub at UBC.
Speeding the transition towards a just and sustainable low-carbon future.
Connecting and empowering university and community stakeholders to take bold climate action for a just future.
The core work of the Climate Hub is now coordinated by two dedicated staff members and a team of part-time student staff, who are hosted by the UBC Sustainability Hub and report to their Senior Director. These core staff are integral to ensuring a sustainable governance model that can support the incredible team of student staff, volunteers and advisors to mobilize student-driven climate action and initiatives in the short and long term.