This report explores best practices in workplace-based childcare and how they might be supported by the City of Vancouver. The review provides information on operating models; facility siting and design; supply and demand; employer partnerships; as well as other criteria that pertain to workplace childcare. It aims to provide preliminary considerations to the City of Vancouver as it develops policy for quality, non-profit workplace childcare.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: social sustainability

Jacqueline Hunter

Indigenous concepts of wellness are distinct from western notions of wellness, and are unique to each Indigenous community’s respective worldview. As such, there is a growing recognition of the need for indicators that reflect Indigenous notions of wellness This project focuses on how to develop strengths-based, culturally relevant Indigenous wellness indicators for the City of Vancouver’s Healthy City Strategy in collaboration with the urban Indigenous community.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: social sustainability

Kathleen Heggie

The City of Vancouver has an extensive fleet of vehicles. Due to the significant impact of transportation on total greenhouse gas emissions across the region, the City wants to reduce this impact by replacing more internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) in its fleet with electric vehicles (EVs). This study uses life cycle analysis to comparatively analyze two vehicle models of similar size of each type (ICEV and EV) currently used in the City’s fleet. 

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: lighter footprint, transportation

Balpreet Kukreja

To support the City of Vancouver’s goals of zero emission new buildings by 2030 and for 100% of the city’s energy to come from renewable energy by 2050, the city is exploring solar energy generation on underutilized rooftop spaces and business models that would make this possible. This report investigates administrative and legal structures of successfully operating rooftop solar utilities and co-operatives, including ownership models and rate structures.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: climate and renewables, green buildings

M.K. Anand

The City of Vancouver is working towards zeroing its carbon emissions. Goods and services procured by the City continue to be the key contributors to GHG emissions. Through this project, the City is interested in assessing the magnitude of emissions associated with a good or a service to understand the strategic importance of suppliers as a part of corporate GHG reductions plan and to focus on contractors with the most significant impact.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: climate and renewables, green economy, supply chain management & green procurement

Sri Apoorva Kota

Vancouver is home to a wide range of establishments that support reuse activities. While there are several reuse, recycling, and disposal resources online for residents to consult, there is no consolidated resource that compiles zero waste assets into one platform. Drawing from community based asset mapping theory, this report applies a participatory mapping framework to propose a methodology for developing, maintaining, and analyzing a zero waste assets map.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: zero waste, waste management & recycling

Sarah Labahn

This report proposes a methodology  to facilitate informed decision making about the participation in Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)-- management systems based on industry taking responsibility for the products they produce through their full life-cycle--to aid in negotiating fair compensation for participation. This model was conceived as a dynamic tool that can be used in different contexts, in bigger or smaller operations.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: zero waste, waste management & recycling

Rodrigo Santistevan

This feasibility study consisted of analyzing current wastewater flow and concentration data from various sources at UBC, and applying growth estimates to determine parameters for a conservative wastewater treatment design. The use of best available proven technology for a compact treatment design was a requirement due to space limitations on campus, and to meet spray irrigation effluent requirements for water re-use (Class A effluent), recover nutrients, and capture energy from the wastewater.

Partner: UBC Sustainability and Engineering
Keywords: sustainability in education, waste management & recycling, water

Majid Keshavarzfathy

The University of British Columbia (UBC) wanted to create a legacy of real-time reporting for the International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN) conference. The goal of real-time reporting was to fully understand the sustainability footprint of the ISCN conference and to develop shareable tools to capture, measure and report on the environmental footprint and sense of wellbeing at the conference in real time.

Partner: UBC Sustainability
Keywords: sustainability in education, sustainable development & green economy

Emily Mann

Mental health and resilience have been identified as a priority area for UBC to address in order to become a health and wellbeing promoting university. The purpose of this project was to develop a draft of the action framework for the mental health and resilience priority. The action framework intends to establish a shared vision, working definitions of mental health and resilience, and to synthesize existing strategies, practices, and actions across both UBC campuses.

Partner: UBC Wellbeing
Keywords: social sustainability, sustainability in education

Michael Jae Song

This report  provides a high-level introduction to community solar gardens, a concept that has proven effective in increasing the accessibility of solar energy in the United States. Best practices and policies from Canada and the US will be explored, including community engagement strategies, project plan, technology evaluation, design and development, and financing options available. This report will also provide an update on the status of the Urban Solar Garden project in New Westminster, British Columbia.

Partner: City of New Westminster
Keywords: sustainable development & green economy, green buildings

Ryan Voon

This report provides City Council and staff with an updated version of New Westminster’s Sustainability Report Card as well as a synopsis of interview feedback. The updated report would be in alignment to various sustainability strategies and plans. In addition, the newly revised report card will be a tool for staff and applicants to engage and encourage responsible practices using a social/cultural, economic, and environmental lens. 

Partner: City of New Westminster
Keywords: leadership & behaviour change, sustainable development & green economy, green buildings

Kai Okazaki

This paper explores how organizations can work to embed sustainability into their corporate culture by learning from the experiences of municipalities and businesses across Canada. The report outlines the best practices for how a municipality can embed sustainability into their corporate culture as well as highlights case studies that showcase local businesses’ sustainability practices and initiatives. 

Partner: Township of Langley
Keywords: leadership & behaviour change, sustainable development & green economy

Christina Treleaven

The BC Energy Step Code is a voluntary roadmap that establishes progressive steps to transition to constructing net-zero energy-ready buildings by 2032. The City of Maple Ridge is exploring the potential to use this optional roadmap to encourage more energy-efficient buildings. The key components of this project include: developing possible scenarios for the adoption of the BC Energy Step Code in Maple Ridge; modeling energy and GHG emissions reductions for each scenario; and creating a GHG modelling tool in Excel for development planning purposes.

Partner: City of Maple Ridge
Keywords: green buildings

Thi Nguyen

Establishing building energy labelling for the multi-family building sector could provide an impetus for more energy efficient design and construction, and greater energy conservation in a building type that is becoming increasingly significant in the Lower Mainland, and across BC and Canada. This report outlines stakeholder perspectives regarding the value and feasibility of developing an energy label which would accurately reflect the energy performance of multi-family buildings.

Partner: UBC Sustainability & Engineering
Keywords: green buildings, sustainable development & green economy

Jessica Hayes

Greening medical imaging operations in the Lower Mainland Health Organizations equips practitioners with a course of action to demonstrate their responsibility towards the environment by ensuring that their operational procedures do not hamper the sustainability of the larger ecosystem while promoting the wellbeing of their patients. This report contributes to understanding the contexts of operations in medical imaging departments so as to meet the needs of staff and ultimately improve environmental performance.

Partner: Fraser Health
Keywords: sustainable development & green economy, waste management & recycling

Christiana Onabola

Greening hospital pharmacies in the Lower Mainland Health Organizations equips pharmacists with a course of action to demonstrate their responsibility towards the environment by ensuring that their operational activities do not hamper the sustainability of the larger ecosystem while promoting the wellbeing of their patients. This report contributes to understanding the contexts of operations in a hospital pharmacy department so as to meet the needs of staff and ultimately improve environmental performance.

Partner: Fraser Health
Keyword: sustainable development & green economy, waste management & recycling

Christiana Onabola

The Lower Mainland Facilities Management (LMFM) department manages the facilities of the four health organizations in the Lower Mainland. THis report includes a review of LEED Certification performance for healthcare facilities, identifies the connections between the Healthy Built Environment Toolkit and the LEED V4 for Building Design and Construction (BD+C), and developes a protocol for the post occupancy evaluation of healthcare facilities in the Lower Mainland.

Partner: Fraser Health
Keywords: green buildings, sustainable development & green economy

Ghazal Ebrahimi

Many of Metro Vancouver’s Regional Parks have experienced jumps in visitor counts, indicating an opportunity to purposefully revamp existing amenities that help people enjoy and connect with the natural environment, while also being sensitive to important ecosystems in each park. This report provides a framework to guide the design and planning decisions for several Metro Vancouver Regional Parks to ensure that these sites are fully accessible where possible to those with motor disabilities, so all people have an opportunity to enjoy nature equally.

Partner: Metro Vancouver
Keywords: ecological systems, social sustainability

Alexandra Scott

This evaluation assesses the health of the market for municipal organic waste (MOW) compost in Metro Vancouver, and thus the sustainability of composting as a regional organic waste management strategy for Metro Vancouver. 

Partner: Metro Vancouver
Keywords: sustainable development & green economy, waste management & recycling

Meghan McIllfaterick
