Key theoretical perspectives and concepts in environmental sociology including climate change.
Faculty: Arts
Subject: Sociology
Year / Level: 5
Theme(s): Climate Justice and Social Science
This course is restricted to graduate students.
This course will provide an overview of key theoretical perspectives and concepts in environmental sociology, and will consider a variety of substantive topics such as climate change, natural resource communities, social movements and counter-movements, environmental justice, media coverage of environmental issues, Indigenous peoples and the environment, and gender and the environment. Some key theoretical perspectives to be covered include: the New Ecological Paradigm; political economy perspectives such as the Treadmill of Production, and Ecological Modernization; the social construction of environmental issues; social network perspectives relevant to environmental issues such as the role of networks in micromobilization in environmental movements, environmental policy networks, and social-ecological networks; approaches to studying environmental values (such as Values-Beliefs-Norms Theory) and employment of the NEP scale. We may also consider select methodological issues relevant to studying environmental topics.
Key concepts to be considered may include: "sustainability", "environmental justice", "disproportionality", anthropocentrism/biocentrism", "wilderness", "growth/limits to growth", "carrying capacity", "ecological footprint", sense of place, and "normal accidents", metabolic rift, risk society, amongst others.
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Email the course instructor with your questions and to request a syllabus.
"Environmental sociology is the study of relationships between the environment and society."