The SEEDS Sustainability Library is a comprehensive repository of applied student research and knowledge that includes a diverse range of interdisciplinary, student-led research projects that have used the Campus as a Living Lab. These open access applied research reports contribute to a body of knowledge, learning and action to ignite sustainability ideas, policies and practices, enabling the broader community to learn, apply and build on previous research.

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Morgan Darden, Olga Lansdorp, Yi Sum Mimi Leung, Seulgi Park, Zoujun Ren Student Housing and Hospitality Services: Ayrin Ferguson, Steve Golob, UBC Farm: Mark Bomford, Andrew Rushmere, Amy Frye, UBC Campus Sustainability Office: Liska Richer LFS 450 Community, Food Land and Food Systems: Andrew Riseman 2009-2010 PDF
Rebecca Colter, Ivy Chen, Nicholas Sinkewicz Campus & Community Planning: David Grigg, University Neighbourhoods Association: Ralph Wells, UBC Properties Trust: Paul Young LARC 543 Community, Land School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture: Ronald Kellett 2009-2010 PDF
Jerique Arqueza, Emily Chu, Sharon Hundal, Chung Yung Man, Yuhan Sun Student Housing and Hospitality Services: Andrew Parr, Dorothy Yip, Alma Mater Society: Joyce Shen, Nancy Toogood, UBC Campus Sustainability Office: Liska Richer LFS 450 Food, Procurement Land and Food Systems: Andrew Riseman 2009-2010 PDF
Timothy Chan, Yutian Zhou UBC Waste Management: Christian Beaudrie, Health Safety and Environment: Noga Levit, Alma Mater Society: Jensen Metchie, UBC Campus Sustainability Office: Anke Sieb, Supply Management: Victoria Wakefield APSC 262 Materials Applied Science, History: Carla Paterson 2009-2010 PDF
Nikita Chu, Nigel Chui, Laura Hsu, Yuki Nakagawa, Jennifer Tse Student Housing and Hospitality Services: Ayrin Ferguson, Steve Golob, UBC Farm: Mark Bomford, Andrew Rushmere, Amy Frye, UBC Campus Sustainability Office: Liska Richer LFS 450 Community, Food Land and Food Systems: Andrew Riseman 2009-2010 PDF
Keenan Ngo, Derek Rempel UBC Farm: Andrew Rushmere, Building Operations: Lee Ferrari CIVL 201 Energy, Materials, Waste Civil Engineering: Susan Nesbit 2009-2010 PDF
Dallas Nemec Manager, Green Building & Engagement: Alison Aloisio CIVL 498C Climate, Materials Civil Engineering: Susan Nesbit, Rob Sianchuk 2009-2010 PDF
Matthew Fung, Yarin Kleiman UBC Waste Management: Christian Beaudrie, Health Safety and Environment: Noga Levit, Alma Mater Society: Jensen Metchie, UBC Campus Sustainability Office: Anke Sieb, Supply Management: Victoria Wakefield APSC 262 Materials Applied Science, History: Carla Paterson 2009-2010 PDF
Joel Beales, Jason Serwa, Andrea Slade Sustainability Coordinator, AMS: Justin Ritchie, AMS APSC 261 Energy Applied Science, History: Dr. Carla Patterson 2009-2010 PDF
Shawn Manchanda, Nathaniel Tougas, Fraser Fisher UBC Waste Management: Christian Beaudrie, Sarah Orchard, Health Safety and Environment: Noga Levit, UBC Campus Sustainability Office: Anke Sieb, Supply Management: Victoria Wakefield, Alma Mater Society: Jensen Metchie APSC 261 Materials, Waste Applied Science: Carla Paterson 2009-2010 PDF
