The SEEDS Sustainability Library is a comprehensive repository of applied student research and knowledge that includes a diverse range of interdisciplinary, student-led research projects that have used the Campus as a Living Lab. These open access applied research reports contribute to a body of knowledge, learning and action to ignite sustainability ideas, policies and practices, enabling the broader community to learn, apply and build on previous research.

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Felix Capitulo, Graham Cameron, Martin Lewynsky, Timothy Hsu Alex Fraser Research Forest: Ken Day, UBC Campus Sustainability Office: Orion Henderson, Malcolm Knapp Research Forest: Paul Lawson, Forestry: Cheryl Power FRST 424 Climate, Finance, Materials Forestry: Stephen Mitchell, John Nelson, Gary Bull 2009-2010 PDF
Alex Hung, Dora Ip, Nathan Comstock UBC Waste Management: Christian Beaudrie, Health Safety and Environment: Noga Levit, Alma Mater Society: Jensen Metchie, UBC Campus Sustainability Office: Anke Sieb, Supply Management: Victoria Wakefield APSC 262 Materials, Waste Applied Science, History: Carla Paterson 2009-2010 PDF
Herman Li Alison Aloisio CIVL 498C Climate, Materials Civill Engineering: Susan Nesbit, Rob Sianchuk 2009-2010 PDF
Jeewoon Chun, Seyed M. Mirvakili, Melody Tsou, Anthony Yip, Mark Zukowski UBC Waste Management: Christian Beaudrie, Health Safety and Environment: Noga Levit, Alma Mater Society: Jensen Metchie, UBC Campus Sustainability Office: Anke Sieb, Supply Management: Victoria Wakefield APSC 262 Materials, Waste History: Carla Paterson 2009-2010 PDF
Michele Touchette, Peter Guan, Siddhartha Balasubramanian UBC Waste Management: Christian Beaudrie, Sarah Orchard, Health Safety and Environment: Noga Levit, UBC Campus Sustainability Office: Anke Sieb, Supply Management: Victoria Wakefield, Alma Mater Society: Jensen Metchie APSC 261 Materials, Waste Applied Science: Carla Paterson 2009-2010 PDF
Amity Chiang, Winnie Chow, Sherry Chen, Calvin Wong, Dorothy Yeung Alex Fraser Research Forest: Ken Day, UBC Campus Sustainability Office: Orion Henderson, Malcolm Knapp Research Forest: Paul Lawson, Forestry: Cheryl Power FRST 424 Climate, Finance, Materials Forestry: Stephen Mitchell, John Nelson, Gary Bull 2009-2010 PDF
Jennie Bharaj, Alim Jiwa, Sanduni Patikiriarachchi UBC Waste Management: Christian Beaudrie, Health Safety and Environment: Noga Levit, Alma Mater Society: Jensen Metchie, UBC Campus Sustainability Office: Anke Sieb, Supply Management: Victoria Wakefield APSC 262 Materials, Waste History: Carla Paterson 2009-2010 PDF
Ann Pa Land and Building Services: Jeff Giffin CHBE 573 Materials Chemical and Biological Engineering: Dr. Madjid Mohseni 2008-2009 PDF
Rose Hsu, Lindsay Jang, Katherine Jassmann, Shaheen Jivanjee, Pavan Johal, Meline Johan, Cherie Kao Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at UBC Farm: Mark Bomford, Amy Frye, Campus Sustainability: Liska Richer AGSC 450 Climate, Community, Food, Land Applied Biology: Alejandro Rojas 2008-2009 PDF
Sophia Baker-French, Liska Richer Alma Mater Society: Carolina Guimaraes, Nancy Toogood, Nick Gregory, Land and Food Systems: Jian Jiu Cheng, Sprouts: Martin Gunst, Jeremy Taylor, Student Housing and Hospitality Services: Andrew Parr, Dorothy Yip, Ayrin Ferguson, Seve Golob, Josie Midha, Campus Sustainability: Liz Ferris LFS 450 Climate, Community, Food, Health, Land Land and Food Systems: Andrew Riseman 2008-2009 PDF
