The SEEDS Sustainability Library is a comprehensive repository of applied student research and knowledge that includes a diverse range of interdisciplinary, student-led research projects that have used the Campus as a Living Lab. These open access applied research reports contribute to a body of knowledge, learning and action to ignite sustainability ideas, policies and practices, enabling the broader community to learn, apply and build on previous research.

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Noni Nabors Campus + Community Planning: Bud Fraser; Payment & Procurement Services: Judith Fograscher; Sustainability and Engineering: Jamee DeSimone VOL 500 Climate, Transportation Geography, Department of: Simon Donner 2017-2018 PDF
Sariah Conor, Aubrey Kief, Florine Kremer, Sudarshan Iyer, Michelle Sieklucki UBC Botanical Garden & Centre for Plant Research: Tara Moreau PSYC 321 Food, Wellbeing Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability: Jiaying Zhao 2017-2018 PDF
Hilary Kuo, Sydney MacLennan, Yu Qing (Sunnie) Tang, Mercy Wanalo Sprouts: Meryn Corkery; Sprouts: Sarah Siska LFS 450 Community, Food, Wellbeing Land and Food Systems, Faculty of: Liska Richer 2017-2018 PDF
Jane Ho Building Operations Vancouver Campus: Jeff Nulty; Campus + Community Planning: Dean Gregory; Campus + Community Planning: John Madden UFOR 401 Biodiversity, Land Forestry, Faculty of: Sara Barron, Cecil Konijnendijk 2017-2018 PDF
Kristina Frokovic, Dhaman Gosal, Ajay Hara, Carly Hess, Gillian Hutton Athletics & Recreation: Mike Tan; Athletics & Recreation: Kavie Toor KIN 464 Community, Wellbeing Kinesiology, School of: Andrea Bundon 2017-2018 PDF
Borui Yang Campus + Community Planning: Ralph Wells APPP 506 Buildings, Energy, Transportation Chemical and Biological Engineering: Vladan Prodanovic 2017-2018 PDF
Hangzhong Li, Si Qi (Becky) Mai, Kendra Arsadjaja, Nicole Yu UBC Botanical Garden & Centre for Plant Research: Tara Moreau PSYC 321 Food, Wellbeing Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability: Jiaying Zhao 2017-2018 PDF
Yuanyuan (Elaina) Ding, Yijing Huang, Hsin-Ping Ku, Kelvin Lim, Tong Lin UBC Botanical Garden & Centre for Plant Research: Tara Moreau PSYC 321 Food, Wellbeing Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability: Jiaying Zhao 2017-2018 PDF
Leo Belanger, Sanika Bhide, Jan Evangelista, Max Hollingworth, Mahir Tuli Irving K. Barber Learning Centre: Julie Mitchell; UBC Library: Sandra Wilkins EECE 400/409/419/429/439/469 Energy, Health, Wellbeing Electrical and Computer Engineering: Paul Lusina 2017-2018 PDF
Niamh McKinnon, Claudia Mackenzie, Holly Mahlerwein, Brett Noseworthy, Samuel (Sam) Peterson-Hannon Athletics & Recreation: Kavie Toor KIN 464 Community, Wellbeing Kinesiology, School of: Andrea Bundon 2017-2018 PDF
