The SEEDS Sustainability Library is a comprehensive repository of applied student research and knowledge that includes a diverse range of interdisciplinary, student-led research projects that have used the Campus as a Living Lab. These open access applied research reports contribute to a body of knowledge, learning and action to ignite sustainability ideas, policies and practices, enabling the broader community to learn, apply and build on previous research.

Use the search bar to look for keywords, or use the advanced search to browse specific courses, authors and faculty.

Evan Huang, Lisa Lee, Amitoj Sandhu, Henry Xia, Ivan Zverev Supply Management: Paula Goldspink APSC 262 Climate, Materials Faculty of Applied Science: Carla Paterson 2012-2013 PDF
Andrew Crompton, Kyle Campbell, Roger Soderling Supply Management: Paula Goldspink APSC 262 Finance, Materials, Procurement Faculty of Applied Science: Carla Paterson 2012-2013 PDF
Xiaohong Kuang Adera Development Corporation: Tom Awram CEEN 596 Community, Energy Clean Energy Research Centre: Eric Mazzi 2012-2013 PDF
Brett Lawton, Emme Lee, Maria Teresa Porter, Mark James Simon Alma Mater Society: Andrew Longhurst; AMS Sustainability: Justin Ritchie; Building Operations Vancouver Campus: Darren Duff FRE 302 Food, Waste Food and Resource Economics: Kelleen Wiseman 2012-2013 PDF
Omar Omari, Marcus Cheung, Robert Chen, Hugo Chen Supply Management: Paula Goldspink APSC 262 Climate, Community, Materials Faculty of Applied Science: Carla Paterson 2012-2013 PDF
Kiran Harnanan Green College: Clark Lundeen, Campus Sustainability: Lillian Zaremba CEEN 596 Energy Clean Energy Research Centre: Eric Mazzi 2012-2013 PDF
Mei Ya Chan, PoSung Chiu, Muhammad Arshad Hassni, Kelvin Mok Alma Mater Society: Andrew Longhurst APSC 261 Community, Food, Materials Faculty of Applied Science: Carla Paterson 2012-2013 PDF
Geoff Hill Building Operations: David Rodgers, Building Operations: Greig Samodien GEOG 699 Land, Waste, Water Geography: Greg Henry; Chemical and Biological Engineering: Susan Baldwin; Chemical and Biological Engineering: Anthony Lau 2012-2013 PDF
Daniel Khuu, David Wong, Ka Wang Chan (Jerry), Jonathan Mok Supply Management: Paula Goldspink APSC 262 Finance, Materials, Procurement Faculty of Applied Science: Carla Paterson 2012-2013 PDF
Aaron Chen, Marshall Downes, Chris Goody, Haoyu Li, Lindsay Piva, Li Ming Xiang UBC Botanical Garden & Centre for Plant Research: Douglas Justice, Patrick Lewis CIVL 202 Land, Water Civil Engineering: Jim Atwater, Susan Nesbit 2012-2013 PDF
