The SEEDS Sustainability Library is a comprehensive repository of applied student research and knowledge that includes a diverse range of interdisciplinary, student-led research projects that have used the Campus as a Living Lab. These open access applied research reports contribute to a body of knowledge, learning and action to ignite sustainability ideas, policies and practices, enabling the broader community to learn, apply and build on previous research.

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Fahad Almisbahi, Trevor Siemens Campus & Community Planning: Collyn Chan APSC 262 Community, Materials Applied Science, Faculty of: Carla Paterson 2012-2013 PDF
Alexander Shkuratoff Alma Mater Society: Andrew Longhurst, Caroline Wong, AMS Sustainability: Justin Ritchie VOL 400 Community Science: Jonathan Nakane; School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture: AnnaLisa Meyboom 2012-2013 PDF
Xun Lu, Zhen Hong, Chun Teng Chen Alma Mater Society: Andrew Longhurst APSC 261 Community, Food, Materials Faculty of Applied Science: Carla Paterson 2012-2013 PDF
Nazanin (Naz) Houshmand Building Operations: Richard Hugli, Campus Sustainability: Lillian Zaremba EECE 496 Buildings, Energy, Materials Electrical and Computer Engineering: André Ivanov, Paul Lusina 2012-2013 PDF
Bhavsagar Malhi, Jackie (Shi Shu) Chen, Andy Li Alma Mater Society: Collyn Chan APSC 262 Community, Materials Faculty of Applied Science: Carla Paterson 2012-2013 PDF
Brett Lawton, Emme Lee, Maria Teresa Porter, Mark James Simon Alma Mater Society: Andrew Longhurst; AMS Sustainability: Justin Ritchie; Building Operations Vancouver Campus: Darren Duff FRE 302 Food, Waste Food and Resource Economics: Kelleen Wiseman 2012-2013 PDF
David Luo, Manny Lee, Nabeel Huq Campus & Community Planning: Collyn Chan APSC 262 Community, Materials Applied Science, Faculty of: Carla Paterson 2012-2013 PDF
Andrew Strang Alma Mater Society: Andrew Longhurst, AMS Sustainability: Justin Ritchie VOL 400 Community School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture: AnnaLisa Meyboom 2012-2013 PDF
Andreas Andreas, Ivan Gumulia, David Lunn, Trammy Nguyen Alma Mater Society: Andrew Longhurst APSC 261 Community, Food, Materials Faculty of Applied Science: Carla Paterson 2012-2013 PDF
Chelsie Drysdale, Michael Thiessen Campus Sustainability: Bud Fraser, Building Operations: John Newmann, Jeff Nulty CHBE 484 Land, Water Chemical and Biological Engineering: Xiaotao (Tony) Bi 2012-2013 PDF
