The SEEDS Sustainability Library is a comprehensive repository of applied student research and knowledge that includes a diverse range of interdisciplinary, student-led research projects that have used the Campus as a Living Lab. These open access applied research reports contribute to a body of knowledge, learning and action to ignite sustainability ideas, policies and practices, enabling the broader community to learn, apply and build on previous research.

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N. Cardinal, C. Cardinal, R. Carrico, W. Cho, L. Chow, P. Climie, K. Davis, I. Flock, K. Given, L. Glass, A. Heinen, A. Henry, J. Hildebrand, A. Jarvis, J. Kew, H. Kosch, H. Lam, T. Luk, K. Luzong, M. McNaughton, A. Oakunsheyld, E. Oscilowicz, P. Penner, M. Poskitt, S. Rankmore, S. Reisman, L. Roberts, J. Roe, R. Rondolo, A. Saini, E. Sanchez, S. Sarshar, J. Soler Cruz, R. Southard, L. Stepanik, A. Streib, J. Taylor, L. Vespaziani, M. Vissers, G. Walkers, A. Witoszkin Campus + Community Planning: Shiloh Bouvette PLAN 522 Climate School of Community and Regional Planning: Sara Ortiz Escalante 2018-2019 PDF
Teddy Wu, Hilary Rackham, Chun Yat (Daniel) Lam, Delaney Stone-Kerr, Johnson Cheung Athletics & Recreation: Lyz Gilgunn; Athletics & Recreation: Mike Tan; Kinesiology, School of: Matt Fagan; Kinesiology, School of: Thalia Otamendi KIN 464 Community, Health, Wellbeing Kinesiology, School of: Negin Riazi 2018-2019 PDF
Fernando Jimenez, Olga Unigovska, Hok Hin Ng Campus + Community Planning: Adam Hyslop; Campus + Community Planning: Chris Fay ECON 492 Finance, Transportation Economics, Department of: Joshua Gottlieb 2018-2019 PDF
Ziru Xu, Qiansui (Charlotte) Zhou, Xiao Chao (Sophie) Xiong, Min (Linnea) Lin, Wanzi (Sophy) Dong, Yueyang (Gary) Teng Arts, Faculty of: Geoffrey Kyle Gooderham; Campus + Community Planning: Bud Fraser PSYC 321 Buildings, Community, Water Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability: Jiaying Zhao 2018-2019 PDF
Julia Zhu : Lea Starr LIBR 597 Community Library, Archival and Information Studies, School of: Luanne Freund 2018-2019 PDF
Xiaodan (Daria) Jiang, Jing Dong, Uyen Nhi (Nhi) Pham Tran, Yuxuan (Jesse) Gu, Yolanda Fu Athletics & Recreation: Lyz Gilgunn; Athletics & Recreation: Mike Tan; Kinesiology, School of: Matt Fagan; Kinesiology, School of: Thalia Otamendi KIN 464 Community, Health, Wellbeing Kinesiology, School of: Negin Riazi 2018-2019 PDF
Salome Sane, Salome Sane, Amanda Tran, Angela Bebek, Evan Yu Campus + Community Planning: Bud Fraser GEOG 371 Health, Water, Wellbeing Geography, Department of: Geraldine Pratt 2018-2019 PDF
Pauline (Grace) De La Cruz, Maria Golovko, Rachel Lee, Calista Leung Arts, Faculty of: Geoffrey Kyle Gooderham; Campus + Community Planning: Bud Fraser PSYC 321 Buildings, Community, Water Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability: Jiaying Zhao 2018-2019 PDF
C.Cao, E.Hu, C.Mathisen, R.Niikura, M.Sandrin, A.Zeng, N.Dalati, J.Mendoza, L.Smyth, Y.Tanaka, D.Thind, M.Yep, D.Choi, S.Clement, K.Ellerbroek, L.Gannon, E.Wei, C.Yee, K.Lin, S.Soni, T.Su, Y.Wang, G.Zhang, Y.Zhang, T.Doucet, J.Felix, D.Satkauskas, M.Spenrath, M.Wootton, Z.Bao, X.Chen, F.He, C.Liu, W.Liu, L.Chen, Y.Jiang, Y.Liu, T.Sun, Y.Yu, L.Kong, J.Lee, F.Noguchi, A.Qiu, Y.Yang, D.Jiang, H.Li, W.Li, A.Lu, X.Weng, L.Kim, A.Kwan, W.Li, D.Si, D.Zhang, J.Zhang, A.Lee, S.Lin, P.Liu, M.Lou, J.Robertson, J.Wen : Rachel Wiersma; Building Operations Vancouver Campus: Jeff Nulty; Campus + Community Planning: Jeff Burton; Campus + Community Planning: Alejandro Cervantes-Larios; Campus + Community Planning: Dean Gregory; Campus + Community Planning: John Madden (C+CP); Sustainability and Engineering: Emma Luker UFOR 101 Biodiversity, Community, Land Forest Resources Management, Department of: Tahia Devisscher; Forestry, Faculty of: Lorien Nesbitt 2018-2019 PDF
Jason Khuu, Vineet (Viny) Saini, Sage Sarabosing, Arnohn Cabigon Athletics & Recreation: Lyz Gilgunn; Athletics & Recreation: Michael Tan; Kinesiology, School of: Matt Fagan; Kinesiology, School of: Thalia Otamendi KIN 464 Health, Wellbeing Kinesiology, School of: Negin Riazi 2018-2019 PDF
