The SEEDS Sustainability Library is a comprehensive repository of applied student research and knowledge that includes a diverse range of interdisciplinary, student-led research projects that have used the Campus as a Living Lab. These open access applied research reports contribute to a body of knowledge, learning and action to ignite sustainability ideas, policies and practices, enabling the broader community to learn, apply and build on previous research.

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Lauren Hanna UBC Alex Fraser Research Forest: Ken Day WOOD 465 Materials Forestry, Faculty of: Robert Kozak 2002-2003 PDF
Shumann Au , Heidi Collinson, Monica Goyal, Teija Kovanen, Mami Nakamura, Anushka Rajakaruna, Kimiko Thomson Retail Operation: Dorothy Yip, Student Housing & Hospitality Services: Andrew Parr, Infrastructure Development: John Metras, AMS Food & Beverage Department: Nancy Toogood AGSC 450 Community, Food Applied Biology: Alejandro Rojas 2002-2003 PDF
Adriana Calabrese, Grace Fong, Gretsi Isac, Keri Smith, Paris Marshall, Pauline Wong, Ruby O Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at UBC Farm: Derek Masselink, Infrastructure Development: John Metras, Student Housing and Hospitality Services: Andrew Parr, AMS Food & Beverage Department: Nancy Toogood, Retail Operations: Dorothy Yip AGSC 450 Community, Food, Land Interdisciplinary Studies, College for: Ted Cathcart; Applied Biology: Alejandro Rojas 2002-2003 PDF
Piryangi Jayasinghe, Neda Salehirad UBC Alex Fraser Research Forest: Ken Day WOOD 465 Materials Forestry, Faculty of: Robert Kozak 2002-2003 PDF
DNP UBC Alex Fraser Research Forest: Ken Day WOOD 465 Materials Forestry, Faculty of: Robert Kozak 2002-2003 PDF
DNP UBC Alex Fraser Research Forest: Ken Day WOOD 465 Materials Faculty of Forestry: Robert Kozak 2002-2003 PDF
Group 7 Students AMS Food & Beverage Department: Nancy Toogood; Infrastructure Development: John Metras; Faculty of Land and Food Systems: Derek Masselink; Retail Operations: Dorothy Yip; Student Housing and Hospitality Services: Andrew Parr, College for Interdisciplinary Studies: Jake Grady, Julia Jamieson AGSC 450 Community, Food, Land Applied Biology: Alejandro Rojas; College of Interdisciplinary Studies: Ted Cathcart 2002-2003 PDF
Jonathan Burnham, Kirsten Elliot, Patricia Imlah, Angel Li, Charles Nip, Satnam Sidhu, Nate Wong AMS Food & Beverage Department: Nancy Toogood; Infrastructure Development: John Metras; College for Interdisciplinary Studies: Jake Grady, Julia Jamieson; Faculty of Land and Food Systems: Derek Masselink; Retail Operations: Dorothy Yip; Student Housing and Hospitality Services: Andrew Parr AGSC 450 Community, Food, Land Applied Biology: Alejandro Rojas; Interdisciplinary Studies, College for: Ted Cathcart 2002-2003 PDF
Anita Ansari, Brennan Anstey, Peter Doig, Janet Lam, Hank Wong, Lin Xu Clean Energy Research Centre: Eric Mazzi CHBE 465 Materials, Waste, Water Chemical and Biological Engineering: Royann Petrell 2002-2003 PDF
Mary Au-Yeung, Johan Coosemans, Mike Hanna, Marisa Kung, Ji Hee (Jessica) Nam, Maysoon Ramadan, Jyoti Tronson Retail Operations: Dorothy Yip, AMS Food & Beverage Department: Nancy Toogood, Student Housing and Hospitality Services: Andrew Parr, Infrastructure Development: John Metras, Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at UBC Farm: Derek Masselink, Interdisciplinary Studies, College for: Jake Grady, Julia Jamieson AGSC 450 Community, Food Applied Biology: Alejandro Rojas; Interdisciplinary Studies, College for: Ted Cathcart 2002-2003 PDF
