The SEEDS Sustainability Library is a comprehensive repository of applied student research and knowledge that includes a diverse range of interdisciplinary, student-led research projects that have used the Campus as a Living Lab. These open access applied research reports contribute to a body of knowledge, learning and action to ignite sustainability ideas, policies and practices, enabling the broader community to learn, apply and build on previous research.

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Hyun Cho, Shirley Choi, Tony Choi, Yulietta Chondro, Janelle Chua, Eric Chuang, Michelle Chui, Ho Ng AMS Food & Beverage Department: Tom Coleman, Elena Cossover, Nancy Toogood, Campus Sustainability: Liska Richer AGSC 450 Community, Food Applied Biology: Alejandro Rojas 2008-2009 PDF
Claire Jackson, Sana Raad, Niloufar Nawaby Shirazi Supply Management: Victoria Wakefield CHBE 484 Climate Chemical and Biological Engineering Department: Dr. Xiaotao Bi 2008-2009 PDF
Lily Reynolds, Danny Wong Land and Building Services: Lorna Seppala GEOG 446 Community Geography: Ms. Sally Hermansen 2008-2009 PDF
Ann-Scarlett Cooper, Alisha Dick, Diana Dickinson, Lindsay Lenters, Joyce Ng, Xin Yu (Vicki) Dai AMS Food & Beverage Department: Tom Coleman, Elena Cossover, Nancy Toogood, Campus Sustainability: Liska Richer AGSC 450 Community, Food Applied Biology: Alejandro Rojas 2008-2009 PDF
Davina Chan Supply Management: Larry Bergland COMM 490 Community Commerce: Dr. Brian Bemmels 2008-2009 PDF
Antony Kwok, Janine Pham Land and Building Services: Lorna Seppala GEOG 446 Community Geography: Ms. Sally Hermansen 2008-2009 PDF
Nikki Alise Levson, Li Jia (Jet) Li, Shanshan Li, Yingqi (Winnie) Li, Katherine Lin, XiuTing (Candace) Lin Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at UBC Farm: Mark Bomford, Amy Frye, Campus Sustainability: Liska Richer AGSC 450 Climate, Community, Food, Land Applied Biology: Alejandro Rojas 2008-2009 PDF
Abha Parajulee, Kim Smet Infrastructure and Services Planning: David Grigg ENVR449 Buildings, Energy Earth and Ocean Sciences: Dr. Roger Beckie, Dr. Kristin Orians 2008-2009 PDF
Erik Blair, Christianne Hunt Land and Building Services: Lorna Seppala GEOG 446 Community Geography: Ms. Sally Hermansen 2008-2009 PDF
Florence Laksmana, Carol Lam, Cynthia Lam, Iris Lam, Karen Lam, Philip Lau, Amanda Lee, Chi Man Lee Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at UBC Farm: Mark Bomford, Amy Frye, Campus Sustainability: Liska Richer AGSC 450 Climate, Community, Food, Land Applied Biology: Alejandro Rojas 2008-2009 PDF
